Once accepted, you will be sent an invoice via Paypal for each individual market. All invoices will need to be paid by the first day of the month of the upcoming event (ie Invoices will be due on May 1st for the May Market). If you think you didnt receive an invoice within a week of the due date, please reach out. Refund info will be clarified on the invoice.

At the City Flea, you bring everything you need to sell. We do not have tables, chairs, or tents available.

Load in can start as early as 7:15AM on market day (1:30 for holiday market). Someone from our team will be there at that time. Coming earlier impacts our ability to properly set up and has the potential to conflict with park maintenance. 

There are no assigned spaces, but we can direct you to a space when you arrive if you need assistance. In ‘normal times’ we do allow for reserving corner spaces, (but not reserving any specific spots).We hope this encourage people to arrive later in the morning. Please be sure to be setup and ready to sell at 10AM.

Here are some additional tips about how our set up works and what you will find on market day morning: <SET UP INSTRUCTIONS> (Note- during our pandemic reactionary period, not all of these instructions will be 100% accurate)

Loading Zones: When loading the afternoon of the market, we cannot stress enough the importance of minimizing the amount of time that your car is left unattended on the street. If you need to bring a helper, or if you need to leave your tent and goods on the sidewalk for five minutes, please do. We ask that you have your car in its permanent parking space for the day before claiming a booth space. Moving your vehicle as fast as possible helps everyone else out. 

We highly recommend using the parking garage under the park. You will have elevator access directly into the flea area and your car will be close, cool, and safe while you are selling goods overhead like wildfire. 

Also please note that technically, open or not, the east side of Elm is not a parking lane and this year food trucks will be parked on Elm and Race so we need to make room for them as they are pulling up. Also, the south side of 14th is also not a stopping zone. Although rare, vendors have been given tickets for using these lanes so please use caution and again, move quickly if you are unloading from street level. 

And remember, THE STREETCAR IS RUNNING! Please be extra aware of that fact when loading in and out and make sure to stay off the tracks and on the park side of the 'white line'.. 

VENDOR CHECK-IN:  When you arrive, please find someone from the Flea team so we can get you checked in. We will be stationed at the main stage. If you find that you cannot make it, please try to notify us- even if it is the morning of the market.

Follow THIS LINK for basic Washington Park info.

BOOTH SIZE AND PAYMENT: Vendors either have a 10x10 space or a 10x20. You will know which you have based on what you signed up for and your invoice(s) will reflect that. 10x10 spaces per market are $90.00 and 10x20 spaces are $160.00.

Invoices are due the first of the month of each market. If payments are not paid by due date we will be giving your space away to a vendor from our wait list. 

FOOD VENDORS (and all vendors for that matter) are responsible for leaving their space as clean or cleaner than it was before they arrived. If grease or other stains are left there may be cleaning charges from the park that will be passed through to the vendor. Also worth noting for food vendors that due to a relationship between the park and Coca Cola, only Coke products can be sold on the premises in terms of canned or bottled beverages go.

You are responsible for whatever you need to sell out of, off of, or around. We do encourage you to use sand bags, weights, or zip ties to keep your tent from flying away. We experienced some very strong winds at our last market and many tents could not handle the wind even with weights. This is very important and your tent could pose a safety risk to other vendors and shoppers.

Please be courteous to the City Flea staff and the other vendors. There has never been any issue that was worth getting worked up about and we don't intend for any this season either. We're all lovers here.

If you sell out of all your goods because you were way more awesome than you realized, saweet! But please just hang around and try to hand out business cards or chat the afternoon away- we hate to see a big hole in the market from where a vendor left early. If you for some reason know you need to leave early, please let us know so that we can place you in an area that will not disrupt the rest of the market.  

If your tent decides that it no longer wants to live the life of a tent and you decide that you no longer want to try to fix it or use it, PLEASE do not leave it behind for others to deal with. This is a major hassle for the Washington Park staff.  Also, please take any and all trash with you at the end of the night. You only need to take it as far as the closest trash can, but we like to leave the park the same way we found it or cleaner. 

Please be advised that there is no outside alcohol permitted at the park. Also please note that due to Washington Park rules, our vendors are not permitted to sell soda or water.

As always, please help us promote our event! By doing so you'll be strengthening the interest in market culture, local shopping, and Cincinnati love!

Our Facebook event details can be found on our FB page (invite all your personal friends!): PLEASE SHARE! 

And you can use hashtag, #thecityflea on both Instagram and Twitter 

Please invite all your local and regional friends and family. We think all you awesome vendors are worth driving a couple hours for! 

If you have any issues or questions be sure to let us know. Otherwise we will see you all soon at Washington Park. Thanks so much for being a part of the flea!

Reminder of what you agreed to by applying...


Note that The City Flea will not be responsible for any damage or theft of personal belongings or merchandise. Please be careful and responsible for your area and we advise that vendors carry their own insurance. Any accidents caused by a vendor’s set-up or goods will be the responsibility of that vendor. The City Flea is not responsible for any personal injury during our events.

VENDOR FEES: Unfortunately we cannot give refunds for vendors fees less than 2 weeks from a market if something comes up OR if the weather gets sour. (We'll be more disappointed than you) Sadly precipitation does not wash away our production costs and we do operate RAIN OR SHINE.

FOOD: Food vendors are also required to provide AT LEAST one garbage can and will be held responsible for any grease or similar leaving on the site whether rain will wash it away or not. Electricity will be provided but please contact us if you will need more than a standard outlet. We always recommend bringing a back up power source and extension cords.

STATE SALES TAX: All vendors are responsible for abiding by all tax laws and collecting the appropriate sales tax for Ohio on each sale. For more information about this you can contact the Ohio Department of Revenue or view taxation requirements on their website.

THE FLEA’S PLEA: We ask you to.. • Represent the city, the neighborhood, The City Flea, and yourselves by bringing your best attitude, creativity, and goods. • Help promote our market by telling people about the area and event, pushing them to ACTUALLY come and not just say it sounds cool, email our web link, share this application, tweet, poke, like, friend, text, or write someone a formal letter about us.. just help get people there. • Be responsible for sales taxes, licenses, permits, insurance and fees as necessary and/or required by law to conduct your business. We must leave it to you to be responsible for any requirements that might apply to you. • Be aware that there will be people of all ages in attendance. Please be mindful of sensitive eyes and ears. Please do not smoke at the market and that if you need to do so, you do it at least 25 feet from the market boundary. • Understand that The City Flea has the right to deny your participation in any or all of the events at any time. Should there be reason to revoke your acceptance prior to the day of the event, a full refund will be given unless any of the guidelines stated here have not been followed.

MEDIA RELEASE/CONSENT: All participating vendors release all rights or claims in connection with the photo(s)/videotape in which they appear, for use by The City Flea and all sponsors. They must understand that the photo(s)/videotape, if used, it will be for the promotional purpose of assisting future City Flea events. They waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photos and/or advertising copy.  All photographs, negatives and videotapes shall constitute the sole property of The City Flea.  They declare that they are of legal age and have every right to have contracted their own name in the above regard.